Washi Tape Strips
All images are PNG files.
Plain White Tape Strips
Each image size is [256 pixel x 64 pixel].
This set includes also 1 pixel shadow image for tape strips. I made all washi tape strips in this site by using these image files. When you like to make washi tape stripes by yourself, this image set would help your making.
Download (zip)

Plain Color Tape Strips
The following includes 4 shape washi tape strips (shape type: mt01, mt02, mt03, mt04). Each shape tape has 16 color set. There are two type tapes, no-shadow tape and drop-shadow tape. Each type has different nuance from each other.
Vintage Pattern Tape Strips
The following includes 4 shape washi tape strips (shape type: mt01, mt02, mt03, mt04). Each shape tape has several color set. There are two type tapes, no-shadow tape and drop-shadow tape. Each type has different nuance from each other.
Several Pattern Tape Strips
The following includes 4 shape washi tape strips (shape type: mt01, mt02, mt03, mt04). Each shape tape has several color set. There are two type tapes, no-shadow tape and drop-shadow tape. Each type has different nuance from each other.